Monday, May 25, 2009

School is almost done and then it will be the "Summer of Fun for the Sims". We are so excited. We have plans to go to Kings Island, hang out at Rolling Hills Pool, go to the lake with our neighbors and Tio Kurt and Tia Marie.

For those of you who did not know but the Sims family was on TV. We were featured on the DIY Network on a show called "Desperate Landscapes". We filmed last year in April and the show aired on May 14th. The title of the show was called "Tale of Two Doors". We have it saved on TiVO so anytime you want to stop by and watch with us let us know.

Jeff is officially coaching basketball again. We are so excited. He will be the varsity assistant for boys at Fairfield. This means he will not be coaching golf next year.
Aaron will be trying Karate this week. He is super excited. He is now 12. He is turning into a young man right before my eyes.

Daniel is playing soccer. He is now 11. He is looking forward to summer. I haven't told him yet that we will be working on some school stuff over the summer. He'll appreciate that, not.

Sean is looking forward to taking tennis lessons with Tio Kurt. I'm tyring to convince him to try diving also for Rolling Hills. He loves diving.

My jewelry business is going great. I sponsored my first jeweler and she is awesome. I am looking forward to getting my business growing even more over the summer. I'm going to Texas in July Premier Designs. I am looking forward to this time. They do not focus on sales, they focus on growing in your relationship with Christ. I love this company. It is centered around God and serving.

Our house is open this summer so stop by and visit.

Sorry no pictures to share right now. Will try to update soon.

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