Hello to All,
Well this has been an exciting week at the Sims household as well as everyone else in the city of Fairfield, Ohio.
It started on Saturday, September 13th when we attended Sean and Erin's wedding in Indiana. It was a lot of fun despite Daniel and I being itchy from Poison Ivy. We got home around 2 a.m. on Sunday morning and went straight to bed. Daniel and I woke up really itchy so we decided to go to an Urgent Care. Thank goodness we went. On our way home we noticed the wind was really blowing but thought nothing of it. We dropped off our perscriptions (after both of us got shots in the butt) at Kroger and said we would be back to get them later. Little did we know that the whole town was about to shut down due to a blackout. Jeff went to work, the boys were watching a movie and I was taking a nap.
Well about 1:00 p.m. the boys woke me up to tell me that a tree limb had fallen. I said "thats okay, mommy is taking a nap." So they went back to watching TV so I thought. They continued to play downstairs with no TV because the electric was now off. I woke up around 2:00 p.m. and realized that my fan was not on. I kept trying to turn it on not knowing what was going on and then realized we had no electric and the wind outside was blowing really bad. So I went to check on the boys and that's when I saw a big part of a tree in our backyard not far from our house. Then I went outside and saw another big part of a tree in our back yard close to the driveway where the garage is. Our chairs on the deck were blowing all over the place, our trash cans were all over the back yard and the soda cans we are collecting were all over the backyard. It was crazy.
We stayed inside. I was not able to go to Kroger to get mine and Daniel's medicine so we just suffered through the itchiness. Luckily we got the shot at Urgent Care. Jeff was able to come home. We worked on cleaning up some of the cans and other debris then we grilled out hamburgers and hung out with Kurt, Marie, Tonya, Malory, Hannah, Adam and Riley. It was fun just sitting around talking.
Then the call came that there would be no school on Monday. On Monday, thankfully, Kroger was set up to only give out perscriptions not for any groceries so we borrowed eggs from our neighbor and cooked eggs and oatmeal on the grill. Monday evening we had chicken on the grill. Our neighbor DeSean also had a generator that he hooked up to our refridgerator to keep it coo. It was fun roughing it. We played games by candlelight and hung out with our neighbors. It was a blessing that we were home on Monday because my neighbor Tonya's grandmother was rushed to the hospital and I was able to watch her kids for her. Sadly, her grandmother passed away Monday afternoon. Monday evening while playing cards our electric came on and we were so excited. It lasted about 5 minutes and then was back off until Tuesday morning about 3:00 a.m.
Tuesday no school so we just hung around, went to the library and out to eat with Jeff's golf team before their big GMC Tournament which is today (Wednesday).
Today still no school, but life is pretty much back to normal. We are now allowed to drink our water so I assume that we will have school tomorrow.
We will look back on this time and think of how much fun we had sitting in the dark, playing games by candlelight and spending time with family and friends. This was a great reminder to take some time and slow down to enjoy each other.