Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sims Family Update - They Are So Cute!

Not a lot going on. Jeff and Aaron did finish Aaron's first Science project. They made a tornado. It is awesome. I dreamt about his project all night last night. Why do I feel like I am back in school and worry about my kids reports, projects and spelling test. I have often said I feel like I am in first, third and fourth grade all over again.

Last week we only had 2 days of school. We had lots of fun. Thursday night a big snow was coming and at 8:00 p.m. we called the Rooks, our neighbors and went outside and played in the snow. It was a big hit. I know I need to find my camera to capture these moments. We played, talked and slid down the street which is a pretty cool hill to slide down. Tonya and I were afraid as each child went down but they all made it just fine.

This is my last full week of being home. I start back to work after being off for 6 weeks due to having surgery. I like being home but I also love my job. I am looking forward to work.

I have learned how to use "facebook". I love it. It is a great way to keep in contact with friends. Sometimes you just want to give a quick hello and this is the perfect way to do it.

Well all is well at the Sims house.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What a day of fun. Today NO SCHOOL. The boys have been out playing in the snow for hours. I wish I could find my camera. They have even shoveled off the driveways of two of our neighbors. They did not do ours, wonder why? They are hard working kids. They don't seem to give up on a task.

The boys are doing well in school. Aaron and Dad are working on the 4th grade Science Project that will be shown at the Science Fair. Aaron is really excited about it. He is doing it on Tornado's. He is so fascinated by them and Jeff is to so it made for a perfect project for them to work on together.

We are also looking forward to the carnavil at South Ele. It will be a fun night for our family. Last year at West Ele. we spent all of our money buying raffle tickets to a Wii. We did not win.

We like the snow days but we are looking forward to Spring. We are looking forward to soccer and the nice weather. Here is a soccer picture from last year. It was the first time they had played. Of course I cried. The boys laugh at me because I cry at the first of everything.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dad, Mom and Three Boys Shopping

Well we decided to venture out as a family to go to Sams Club and Costco. I usually do this by myself and things go fine but since having surgery I am not allowed to pick up anything or push anything over 5 pounds. First of all trying to keep 3 active boys with you at all times is crazy. Aaron was still feeling the effects of the flu that he had earlier during the week, Daniel was no longer feeling the effects of the flu he had and Sean was just being his wild self. We did have one scare. It's funny now but was not funny at the time. Jeff was talking on the phone in Costco and I was looking at some shirts when I turned around to find Aaron and Daniel putting Sean in a big Safe. You know the kind that lock. My heart stopped and I yelled at the boys NO!! They looked at me like I was crazy. I told Sean to get out and explained to them that is very dangerous. Like I said it is funny now, but not at the time. I believe the boys got the message that locking their brother in a Safe is not a good idea.

The boys have mixed feelings about Valentine's Day. I believe they have decided (with the help from Dad) is that it is basically for girls. They do enjoy the candy. I am looking forward to my three surgared up boys coming home from school tomorrow:)

We are so ready for warm weather. They want so bad to get out and play but since we have all had the flu (except for Sean) we thought it best to play inside.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday, Feb. 8th, 2008

Well I decided to start a Sims Family Blog. I'm not exactly sure what I am doing but thought it might be fun. No big news here at our house except that we all have or have had the flu. I think next year we will do flu shots.

It is amazing how each of my children are different when they are sick. Daniel is very quiet and calm, Aaron is very jittery and poor Sean whines like his mother. They are still precious no matter what.